Sunday 18 October 2015

Trainspotting Analysis

In the film "Trainspotting" digetic and non-digetic sound are used throughout. For this assessment i am going to be focusing on the opening scene of the film.

This scene begins with a voiceover which is one of the examples of non-digetic sound. The voiceover is of the main character "Renton" which makes the audience doubt the physical presence of the character in a scene.Another example of non-digetic sound is also used as there is a piece of classical music played, this makes the audience confused and on edge as the music that is used doesn't match the scene in any way possible.After this, digetic sound is used as a radio is played which is in the house, this is how the audience know that it is digetic sound because it comes within the scene.Another example of digetic sound is used as the audience then start to hear a baby cry, which may make the audience feel uneasy as there is a baby in that type of household.All of the digetic sounds that come from this scene shows how unsettled the house is that they are living in.

Later on in the scene the main character "Renton" is speaking to "Mother Superior" Their conversation is based on the topic of Renton's plan to stop taking drugs.After this conversation another voiceover appears which is the voice of Renton,he is talking about the conversation he just had and also saying how he will stop taking drugs.A sound bridge is also used, this means sound is used to make the scene after flow and connect with sounds. The sound that is used is of a train, this is commonly known as a contrapuntal sound as it doesn't relate to anything in the scene before, this tends to make the audience feel confused and uneasy. Whilst the sound of the train is playing, you then begin to hear the scratching of Renton's key as he is trying to enter his flat, as he enters his flat music is then played which is an example of non-digetic sound as it is played outside of the scene.

Renton beings to speak again but through a voiceover. He is talking about how he is going to spend the next 48 hours focusing on him stopping taking drugs. He then goes on about what you will need to proceed through the next 48 hours. It comes across to the audience as if he is reading out a shopping list. Shortly after another piece of classical music is played which is non-digetic as it isn't coming from the scene, this is also contrapuntal sound as again it doesn't have anything to do with the scene.

The classical music continues to play, yet the voiceover of Renton stops. Renton is then on the phone to one of his friend called "Mikey Forrester" and asks him to "help him out". After this the classical music becomes more intense and more dramatic, this makes the audience think that there is going to be a big build up. The scene then turns to Mikey and he has two large pills in his hand, another voiceover of Renton then comes and he says "This is typical Mikey" this gives a hint to the audience that Renton knows Mikey well and its obvious the reason he knows him is related to drugs. Renton's voiceover then stops and he replies to Mikey in a shocked tone "What the fuck are these?" It is clear that Renton is saying that relating to the pills that Mikey had just handed over to Renton. This then creates a tense ato comedic affect towards the audience.

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