Thursday 31 March 2016

Research for Evaluation 1.

In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge form and conventions of real media products? 


 For my front cover i have used a bold, eye-catching title to grab the readers attention. The title is one of the main features that people see on the magazine so it is important to have a bold title that readers will remember by. In my research, every magazine has a bold, visible title as it shows how well or poor the magazine is presented. I places my title at the top of my front cover which i feel makes a bold statement and means i am able to fit a lot of features in below it. I chose the name for my magazine "Shake It Up" as i feel as if the name is original and makes a clear statement for my magazine. During my research for style models i didn't come across a magazine with the name "Shake It Up" or anything similar. 

For my masthead, i used the font "Myraid Pro" in the size 349.05 as i think it looked very professional, also very clear and stated across the top of my page. Because the font isn't to fancy, adventurous and the words are clear it has made my front cover look professional and simple. This way, the magazine wont look too much or overdone. I used three different colours throughout my magazine and kept the theme the same. The three colours i used are pale pink, pale blue and pale purple. These three colours keep my magazine light and airy. 

Main Headline.

During my research, i knew that i wanted to keep my main headline sweet and simple. So knowing what i wanted, i just kept my writing white without any fancy writing as i wanted my readers to be able to read it clearly and understand what was written on my page. I kept my main headline the same font as my title and kept the font the same throughout my magazine to set the theme like the three colours. The only part of my headline that i changed was the size of the font which i changed to 302 so it was visible and clear to my readers. Although my main headline may come across as simple, that is the affect is wanted so my reader weren't put off by fancy writing that they were unable to understand. By writing "Band of The Year!" underneath "Equalize" gives the readers a little inside of what will be inside the magazine.

Costume, Props and Makeup.

Costume; In my magazine my actors are all wearing different outfits to each other, i chose this option to show that they are individuals in the band. Ellie, who is my main actor and is stood slightly infront of my other actors is wearing a pale lilac t-shirt, and dark blue denim jeans with a pair of black and white converse. Rachel, who is stood slightly to the right side of Ellie is wearing a white top, pale blue denim jeans and a pair of all white leather converse. Kate, who is stood slightly to the left of Ellie is wearing a bright orange/red flow vest and some white jeans and simple white pumps.

Makeup; Each of my actors all had simple makeup as i wanted it to suit the simple theme of my magazine and didn't want it to take over the theme of the magazine. They all had simple layer of foundation, Kate and Rachel both wore a pair of false eyelashes whereas Ellie went with a thin coat of mascara. 

Props; As i wanted a simple theme throughout my magazine, i went with the decision of using no props and for my actors just to stand in a strong pose to create the attitude statement that i wanted to create.

On my contents page, i set my imagine of my actors at the bottom right of the page, this is so i could fit my text around it and so my text was clear and visible. I put my text into three different columns and three different sections so my readers are able to find their pages easily and without any problems. I also put two pictures of two different artists so draw the readers attention and so they know what is inside the magazine before they even read the contents, i thought this was effective as if my readers like the artists that are shown on the contents page, it will draw their attention and make them want to read on. At the footer of the page, i displayed the magazines web link, also the Facebook and Twitter logo so they can follow us more often for more news on the magazine.

During creating my double page spread, i have made several changes to it to improve it bit by bit, i set my text into columns to make it look more like a double page spread. I placed my image slightly to the left so i had room for my texts and wouldn't overlap my image too much. Like my contents page i have placed smaller images at the bottom left of the page but this time used three images of my band that i took during my photo shoot. 

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