Tuesday, 3 May 2016

Evaluation 2.

How does your media product represent particular social groups? 

With my magazine, i chose to aim my magazine at girls with the age range 13-17. I thought that creating rectangle boxes on my front cover using my theme colours, and putting text in with what is inside the magazine such as competitions and tour dates, also some information on the band, such as awards that they have won. I feel as if this would work well as on mostly every magazine that i seen during my research had some sort of information of which the magazine contained. I feel as if my magazine states clearly that it is aimed at girls to the girly, colourful theme. Also, my actors are three young girls and they also fit into the age range that my magazine is targeted at. Within my magazine the other bands/artists that are included are also girls. I also feel as if my magazine suits to be aimed at young teenagers as my magazine is only £2.50 and is affordable for them. 

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