Thursday 21 January 2016

Thursday 21st January- My Photo Shoot.

On thursday my photo shoot will take place. My photo shoot will take place in the main assembly hall as it will be easy to take my photos against the blank walls and curtains, and will also be easy to take the background out when i start to edit my photos for my music magazine. I feel that this will also be affective towards my pictures as there will be no distractions around my actors and the audience will be focuses precisely on my actors. My actors will have costumes with them on the day of my shoot and will have also done their hair and makeup to suit my magazine. Costumes for my magazine will be bright colours and girly colours to be an inspiration to young girls. When me and my actors sat down to discuss how their hair and makeup was to be worn, our decision was for the makeup to be girly colours, not to dark and done well as i aiming to be an inspiration to young teens, i want my actors to look well made and a slight doll look as dolls tend to look perfect and lawless. Hair was decided to be either curly or straight, i wanted for my actors to aim to have their hair looking flawless and in place and not messy. This would make the effect of they they take time in how they look and how they are presented.

I think that my photo shoot will be successful as i am able to keep to my planned schedule as my three actors are all free. I plan to use different types of lighting an camera angles to make my pictures to look different each time with subtle movement from my actors. I will take various amounts of shots so i am able to look through them thoroughly and are able to choose my photos carefully and make sure that i have chosen the right pictures for my magazine. By doing this i will be able to analyse my photos and acknowledge which were and weren't the best quality so i am able to improve next time.

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