Thursday, 5 May 2016
Evaluation 7.
Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?

As you can see straight away, there is a huge contrast between these two magazine covers. My music magazine cover is bright, colourful and airy. It looks a lot more appealing and attractive, my main image also shows a lot more than the image on the first magazine. The image shows a clear message that it is a pop magazine and that the girl band featuring in it are strong , independent and have a strong attitude. I made the front cover more exciting than the front cover page shown above by adding more information on what the magazine contained inside such as, other bands and artists. I also added different colours to my page such as pale pin, pale blue and pale purple. I made my masthead look more like one on a real magazine, i also used subheadings, barcode, website link with a Facebook and Twitter logo. I improved this step by step whilst getting inspiration from style models.
Wednesday, 4 May 2016
Evaluation 6.
What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
Throughout the process of creating my magazine i was able to use a lot of different technology, i knew the basics of technology but i was able to learn more skills to a bigger advantage to be able to complete the tasks that were needed to be completed. I completed majority of the tasks on an Apple Mac computer as photoshop was available to use to edit my photos to fit my front cover, contents page and double page spread.
To take all my photos during my photo shoot i used a Canon camera. Although i thought the camera was going to be simple and easy to use, i did have to learn certain things to complete the photo shoot successfully. Such as; choosing the right setting, getting the correct lighting, angles and most importantly, how to get the best images.
Here i am showing through a screenshot the work that i have produced through photoshop. Before i started the course, i didn't know how to use photoshop or how to edit any pictures to a high standard. Whilst creating my magazine i haven't only learnt how to use simple techniques on photoshop, i have learnt how to edit pictures, add text, using blending options, contrast of pictures, adding several pictures onto the same page and how to add several layers to make it easier to edit my work throughout my time to change things and correct. I have learnt quicker techniques and different ways to present my work in an advanced way.
Evaluation 5.
How did you attract/address your audience?

To attract my audience, i used bright and bold colours such as pale pink, pale blue and pale purple as i felt as if this would attract the younger generation of my target audience 13-17. I kept the colour scheme plain and simple throughout by keeping the background on all of my pages white and just changed the writing to pink, blue and purple. I felt as if this worked affectively on my magazine pages as the writing is still clear and able to read which also attracts the audience as it means there is no trouble with them reading it. I chose the option not to use props during my photo shoot as i wanted the main focus to be on my actors and their attitude. When i started making my front cover, i didn't know what colour scheme i wanted and what would fit best to my music genre. Ad i experimented with colours as well as looking at style models i thought that the colour scheme of pale pink, pale blue and pale purple best suited the pop genre as they are all bright and bubbly colours.
Evaluation 4.
Who would the audience be for your media product?

Tuesday, 3 May 2016
Evaluation 3.
What kind of Media Institution might distribute your media product and why?
The genre of my magazine Shake It Up, is pop. I chose a pop genre for my magazine as it attracts the audience with the bright, bold colours and considering my magazine is aimed at 13-17 year olds, bright and bold colours will catch their eye. I also chose a pop genre as many artists in the music industry are pop artists, i done plenty of research into pop magazines before i began to create my magazine and also looked at several style models for ideas and inspiration.
"We love Pop" is aimed specifically at the younger generation and they used bright colours also to draw their audience. The magazine style model that i used "We love Pop" have very similar price range as both our magazines are aimed at young teenagers and need to be affordable.
I have made a decision to be sold and distributed in popular and big supermarkets such as Asda, Tesco, WH Smiths. I made this decision as i want it to be as convenient to my audience as it possibly can and easy for them to find, which a big superstore is where they would suspect my magazine to be. I will also be selling my magazine online as it could increase sales and popularity through doing this, just like my style model, We Love Pop.
My magazine will be available to purchase once a month, a subscription is available at the back of my magazine which means the magazine will be sent to my audience addresses automatically every month as they would have already paid their subscription. I feel as if this is a good decision as it turns out to be cheaper in the end, which is a good idea as the audience that my magazine is targeted at are only young. This will have a positive impact on my readers as they can keep up to date with our magazines and don't have to worry about missing out on a issue.
I have made a decision to be sold and distributed in popular and big supermarkets such as Asda, Tesco, WH Smiths. I made this decision as i want it to be as convenient to my audience as it possibly can and easy for them to find, which a big superstore is where they would suspect my magazine to be. I will also be selling my magazine online as it could increase sales and popularity through doing this, just like my style model, We Love Pop.
My magazine will be available to purchase once a month, a subscription is available at the back of my magazine which means the magazine will be sent to my audience addresses automatically every month as they would have already paid their subscription. I feel as if this is a good decision as it turns out to be cheaper in the end, which is a good idea as the audience that my magazine is targeted at are only young. This will have a positive impact on my readers as they can keep up to date with our magazines and don't have to worry about missing out on a issue.
Evaluation 2.
How does your media product represent particular social groups?
With my magazine, i chose to aim my magazine at girls with the age range 13-17. I thought that creating rectangle boxes on my front cover using my theme colours, and putting text in with what is inside the magazine such as competitions and tour dates, also some information on the band, such as awards that they have won. I feel as if this would work well as on mostly every magazine that i seen during my research had some sort of information of which the magazine contained. I feel as if my magazine states clearly that it is aimed at girls to the girly, colourful theme. Also, my actors are three young girls and they also fit into the age range that my magazine is targeted at. Within my magazine the other bands/artists that are included are also girls. I also feel as if my magazine suits to be aimed at young teenagers as my magazine is only £2.50 and is affordable for them.
Monday, 2 May 2016
Tuesday, 19 April 2016
Magazine Similarities
I think that my magazine front cover is similar to this magazine cover example that i have found on the website weebly. The example and my magazine are similar because they are both pop related and look as if they are aimed at the same target audience.
Thursday, 31 March 2016
Research for Evaluation 1.
In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge form and conventions of real media products?
For my front cover i have used a bold, eye-catching title to grab the readers attention. The title is one of the main features that people see on the magazine so it is important to have a bold title that readers will remember by. In my research, every magazine has a bold, visible title as it shows how well or poor the magazine is presented. I places my title at the top of my front cover which i feel makes a bold statement and means i am able to fit a lot of features in below it. I chose the name for my magazine "Shake It Up" as i feel as if the name is original and makes a clear statement for my magazine. During my research for style models i didn't come across a magazine with the name "Shake It Up" or anything similar.
For my masthead, i used the font "Myraid Pro" in the size 349.05 as i think it looked very professional, also very clear and stated across the top of my page. Because the font isn't to fancy, adventurous and the words are clear it has made my front cover look professional and simple. This way, the magazine wont look too much or overdone. I used three different colours throughout my magazine and kept the theme the same. The three colours i used are pale pink, pale blue and pale purple. These three colours keep my magazine light and airy.
Main Headline.
During my research, i knew that i wanted to keep my main headline sweet and simple. So knowing what i wanted, i just kept my writing white without any fancy writing as i wanted my readers to be able to read it clearly and understand what was written on my page. I kept my main headline the same font as my title and kept the font the same throughout my magazine to set the theme like the three colours. The only part of my headline that i changed was the size of the font which i changed to 302 so it was visible and clear to my readers. Although my main headline may come across as simple, that is the affect is wanted so my reader weren't put off by fancy writing that they were unable to understand. By writing "Band of The Year!" underneath "Equalize" gives the readers a little inside of what will be inside the magazine.
Costume, Props and Makeup.
Costume; In my magazine my actors are all wearing different outfits to each other, i chose this option to show that they are individuals in the band. Ellie, who is my main actor and is stood slightly infront of my other actors is wearing a pale lilac t-shirt, and dark blue denim jeans with a pair of black and white converse. Rachel, who is stood slightly to the right side of Ellie is wearing a white top, pale blue denim jeans and a pair of all white leather converse. Kate, who is stood slightly to the left of Ellie is wearing a bright orange/red flow vest and some white jeans and simple white pumps.
Makeup; Each of my actors all had simple makeup as i wanted it to suit the simple theme of my magazine and didn't want it to take over the theme of the magazine. They all had simple layer of foundation, Kate and Rachel both wore a pair of false eyelashes whereas Ellie went with a thin coat of mascara.
Props; As i wanted a simple theme throughout my magazine, i went with the decision of using no props and for my actors just to stand in a strong pose to create the attitude statement that i wanted to create.
On my contents page, i set my imagine of my actors at the bottom right of the page, this is so i could fit my text around it and so my text was clear and visible. I put my text into three different columns and three different sections so my readers are able to find their pages easily and without any problems. I also put two pictures of two different artists so draw the readers attention and so they know what is inside the magazine before they even read the contents, i thought this was effective as if my readers like the artists that are shown on the contents page, it will draw their attention and make them want to read on. At the footer of the page, i displayed the magazines web link, also the Facebook and Twitter logo so they can follow us more often for more news on the magazine.
During creating my double page spread, i have made several changes to it to improve it bit by bit, i set my text into columns to make it look more like a double page spread. I placed my image slightly to the left so i had room for my texts and wouldn't overlap my image too much. Like my contents page i have placed smaller images at the bottom left of the page but this time used three images of my band that i took during my photo shoot.
Wednesday, 9 March 2016
Case Study- Mr Natton's Classwork- The Avengers.
The Avengers Marketing Campaign
I think the marketing of the film had a big impact because it had a wide range of advertising, using other brands even non-film related brands. Such as; Visa, Dr.Pepper, Hershey and also social media which is a big part in society today. The Avengers had a fiver-year marketing plan through other films that are associated with Marvel that contains a grouping of some of the characters that make up the Avengers. This had a high impact on the fan base which is still increasing today, as fans of the Marvel movies are drawn to them making the film one of the most successful.
The impact the marketing campaign has on the audience is that with all the money that is invested and made for the film means more advertising. If viewers enjoy the film and quality they are more likely to tell others by word of mouth, this is very effective for the film as it again, gains a wider audience as people expect mostly good things from what they've been told.
The marketing for the film helped make it a success because not only was their two adverts being broadcasted, but there was a fan page on social media which has over 1million fans, this was made on Facebook because they made full use of the free advertisement. The distributer used cross media to advertise the film because they knew it would get a lot of views and catch a lot of peoples attention.
Sunday, 24 January 2016
Best Selection of Photos for my Double Page Spread.
Saturday, 23 January 2016
Best Selection of My Photos for Contents Page.
I think that the best photo for my contents page is the middle photo that is displayed. I think that this is best suited for my magazine as it is focused on how they want to be seen as. They want the audience to noticed how they are focused on the way they look, dress and how they are presented to others. Although they focus on how they look, it also makes the audience sense confidence within them. I also think that the audience will be able to connect with my actors through the magazine because of the way they are presented in the magazine and can be an inspiration to young teens with how they look, dress and behave.
Friday, 22 January 2016
Best Selection of Photos for My Front Cover.
The photo that i have chosen to be my cover photo out of the 3, is the middle photo that is displayed. I feel that this would suit my magazine the most as their attitude is stated clearly and look like a typical teenage girl band.
My target audience is for female teenage girls, but i feel that it could also be suitable for an older audience. As i chose not to use any props, i believe that this worked out positively as my actors are the main focus to the audience and there are no distractions. I feel that my shots are effective and will have a big impact towards my viewers as my audience may feel connected to my actors as they are looking directly into the camera and are drawing the viewers attention to them.
Thursday, 21 January 2016
Media Homework- Due Monday 25th January.
Cinderella- In the Disney film Cinderella, it is stated clearly that the film is based on love, fairy-tales and happiness. Cinderella spends majority of the film daydreaming about having a man to make her happy, and also wants the audience to believe that being in love is the only way you can be happy. It is also made clear to the audience that Cinderella wants a man to full fill her and rescue her. As Disney is aimed at a young age group, it is giving children false belief by making them believe that being in a relationship, and in love is the only possible way to be happy.
Sleeping Beauty- In the Disney film Sleeping Beauty, the message that is wanted to be put across is that women are helpless without men. It also makes the audience believe that women are incomplete without love as in almost every Disney film made there is a princess who is always looking for a price to rescue them. As in Cinderella, it is giving false belief to the young children watching it and sending the wrong message across.
Tangled- Tangled is one of the few Disney films that show that not all women need a man to complete them. Rapunzel shows throughout the film that she is an independent woman and doesn't need a man to rely on and make her happy, as she is fine on her own. This shows that women can be strong and don't need to be surrounded by a man or a price. Throughout tangled, Rapunzel is presented as strong and independent and that she is able to discover new things, go on her own adventures without a price by her side. This proves to the young children watching the film, that they are able to discover new things independently and that not all happiness rely's on men.
Thursday 21st January- My Photo Shoot.
On thursday my photo shoot will take place. My photo shoot will take place in the main assembly hall as it will be easy to take my photos against the blank walls and curtains, and will also be easy to take the background out when i start to edit my photos for my music magazine. I feel that this will also be affective towards my pictures as there will be no distractions around my actors and the audience will be focuses precisely on my actors. My actors will have costumes with them on the day of my shoot and will have also done their hair and makeup to suit my magazine. Costumes for my magazine will be bright colours and girly colours to be an inspiration to young girls. When me and my actors sat down to discuss how their hair and makeup was to be worn, our decision was for the makeup to be girly colours, not to dark and done well as i aiming to be an inspiration to young teens, i want my actors to look well made and a slight doll look as dolls tend to look perfect and lawless. Hair was decided to be either curly or straight, i wanted for my actors to aim to have their hair looking flawless and in place and not messy. This would make the effect of they they take time in how they look and how they are presented.
I think that my photo shoot will be successful as i am able to keep to my planned schedule as my three actors are all free. I plan to use different types of lighting an camera angles to make my pictures to look different each time with subtle movement from my actors. I will take various amounts of shots so i am able to look through them thoroughly and are able to choose my photos carefully and make sure that i have chosen the right pictures for my magazine. By doing this i will be able to analyse my photos and acknowledge which were and weren't the best quality so i am able to improve next time.
I think that my photo shoot will be successful as i am able to keep to my planned schedule as my three actors are all free. I plan to use different types of lighting an camera angles to make my pictures to look different each time with subtle movement from my actors. I will take various amounts of shots so i am able to look through them thoroughly and are able to choose my photos carefully and make sure that i have chosen the right pictures for my magazine. By doing this i will be able to analyse my photos and acknowledge which were and weren't the best quality so i am able to improve next time.
Wednesday, 20 January 2016
For my photo shoot, i have made the decision not to use any props, this is because i would like my audience to focus on my actors and how they are presented without any distractions. I feel that this would have works effectively once my magazine is finished as in the photos, my actors attitude is stated clearly. Using no props will also help my audience focus on their costume, hair and makeup.
Example from one of my shoots;
Example from one of my shoots;
Equipment Required.
I also went to Mr Lidell at least a week before my shoot and booked to have a camera and tripod on the day of my photo shoot, i felt as if this was very helpful because this way he made sure that nobody else was able to get the camera or tripod that i had booked, as i would be left with no equipment for my shoot and would have to cancel it.
Additional Information.
In mine and my actors free lessons / free time, we all sat down and discussed everyones shoot. Such as; Costumes, hair, makeup, locations, props, dates and times. This was just to make sure that we was all clear on what we was doing, and when we was doing it. We all made notes on the things we needed and what dates we needed it on, we also made notes on how our hair and makeup was to be worn. I feel that making notes on everything we discussed came out positively just incase we wasn't all clear whilst discussing it, this helped me a massively when it came to the day as i could just quickly check my notes to double check what i needed and make sure that i had everything i needed and that my hair and makeup was correct before i left to come to school.
Costumes / Makeup / Hair.
When me and my actors sat down to discuss how their hair and makeup was to be worn, our decision was for the makeup to be girly colours, not to dark and done well as i aiming to be an inspiration to young teens, i want my actors to look well made and a slight doll look as dolls tend to look perfect and lawless. Hair was decided to be either curly or straight, i wanted for my actors to aim to have their hair looking flawless and in place and not messy. This would make the effect of they they take time in how they look and how they are presented. My actors wore jeans and colourful top, i felt that this was affective as it was kept simple yet shown the effort in how they look through their hair and makeup.
Location Hunting & Permission Required.
As i wanted my location to be in the hall as the background was the best setting for my shoot. A couple of days before my shoot i went to the school caretakers and asked if i was able to use the hall on Thursday 21st January for a couple of hours for my shoot. As they agreed for me to use it, they made sure that the hall was unlocked from period 3 for me to use up until school ends. I felt as if me asking for permission before hand was helpful because that way i made sure that the hall wasn't being used and so i didn't have to worry about finding a new location. Using the main hall as my location for my shoot came out positively as there was several different parts of the hall that i was able to use to find the best background for my shoot, including backstage.
I also went to Mr Lidell at least a week before my shoot and booked to have a camera and tripod on the day of my photo shoot, i felt as if this was very helpful because this way he made sure that nobody else was able to get the camera or tripod that i had booked, as i would be left with no equipment for my shoot and would have to cancel it.
I also went to Mr Lidell at least a week before my shoot and booked to have a camera and tripod on the day of my photo shoot, i felt as if this was very helpful because this way he made sure that nobody else was able to get the camera or tripod that i had booked, as i would be left with no equipment for my shoot and would have to cancel it.
Monday, 18 January 2016
Thursday 14th January - Rachels and Kates Shoot.
On thursday 14th, Rachel's and Kate' s shoot took place in the hall. I brought my costumes in on the day, and had already completed my hair and makeup. My costumes were dark and mainly black and grey to suit the theme of their magazine, rock. My makeup was set around and dark and vampy look, and my hair was messy undone curls. We went to the hall and used different spaces in the hall to suit the rock look that they aimed to complete.
Examples from Kate and Rachels shoot;
Examples from Kate and Rachels shoot;
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